How To Use Verity Companion
Outside Solver
1. Input the inside shapes according to the callouts, from left to right.
2. Input the outside shapes according to what you see, from left to right.
3. Follow the instructions and execute the swaps from top to bottom.
Inside Guide
1. Input the shape that your statue is holding.
2. Follow the step-by-step instructions.
Tips & Tricks for Verity
1. The two nearest guardians to the front of the room will always be teleported to the inside rooms.
2. Your helmet is typically the most unique part of the statue. Make sure it stands out!
3. When outside is completed, leave the adds alive. You wouldn't want to spawn two unstoppable ogres for nothing.
4. Most importantly, keep a cool head! Even if you mess up the shapes, you can still recover.
Made by saffronrust
Powered by Material-UI and Next.js
Verity Solver Algorithm by u/swegmesterflex