Inside Guide
Input Your Shape
Phase 1
1. Kill a knight. If it drops Circle, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Leave it on the ground.
2. If it drops any other shape, pick it up and deposit it into the corresponding statue.
3. For example, if it drops Square, deposit it into the Square statue.
4. If it drops Triangle, deposit it into the Triangle statue.
5. Type "R" into the chat once you're done.
6. Once you see three "R"s in the chat, and you see the shadows in the wall morph Circle twice, that signifies the end of Phase 1.
Phase 2
1. Give your Circle buff to the Square statue and Triangle statue.
2. When you see the shadows in the wall morph into Square and Triangle, that signifies the end of Phase 2.
Phase 3
1. Kill both knights, and pick up both buffs.
2. If the Outside room people did their job, you can escape!
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